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3 Books that will change your life

I know saying that seems a bit extreme, but for me, the three books I'm going to tell you about have quite literally changed my life.

I love a good self-help book and these are all fast reads that will have you wondering and thinking about your purpose on earth. Not only that, but they are great to open your mind to the negative self-talk patterns that you aren't even aware you are having.

First, let's start with Gabby Bernstein's, Judgement Detox. This book is for you, if you find yourself in negative thought patterns or you are always criticizing others and having feelings of jealousy and bitterness.

This book is chalk full of great self- awareness patterns you can start to implement immediately. I remember reading this for the first time and having such aha-moments. We all judge and critique others AND ourselves and the main message in this book is that, we are only judging others because we come from a place of sadness, anger, poor self-esteem, etc.

For example, when you judge someone at, let's say at Starbucks, because they are moving too slow for you. Stop and ask YOURSELF, why is this annoying me? Why is this irritating to me? Is it because I am running late? Is it because I hit my alarm and didn't get up in time to get out the door in the time I wanted to and now I'm angry?

Or you start to have compassion for others, thinking thoughts like "Maybe this person is moving slow because they have a lot on their mind, maybe they are going through something tragic or are having a bad morning." We never know what someone else is going through. So finding compassion and empathy will make you a happier, more lighter person and I believe will change your vibes and energy. People will want to be around you when you are positive and thankful not bitter and jealous. Right?

Here is a link to the book. I plan to re-read it this year! You can buy the book click here.

The next book is the Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz. This book is an amazing fast-paced read that has a cult following. Many celebrities and self-help gurus swear by this book.

In fact, our couples therapist recommended it to my husband and I and we both love it!

In this book, the four agreements are 1) Be impeccable with your word 2) Don't take anything personally 3) Don't make assumptions 4) Always do your best

While these are pretty self explanatory, the author does a great job of helping you understand every one of your relationships. Think about all the ways you interact with people, your boss, your spouse, your parents, your siblings. Each one of us has so many relationships and nurturing them, is crucial to having good solid relationships. Not to mention, you understand how YOU are playing a role in those relationships. Such a great read!

You can find this book on Amazon or click here.

Lastly, the book, You Can Heal Your Life, by Louise Hay. What a great read for anyone who is ready to level up their negative self-talk and rework those thought patterns! This is a classic book that so many people rave about.

Louise Hay, was an inspirational teacher, who has sold more than 50 million books. This book in particular explains how negative mental self-talk patterns actually cause dis-ease. She gives great exercises to understand why you have these mental habits and how to change them.

She explains that our negative thoughts keep us sick and if we don't move through them, they can end up physically hurting our bodies.

Great book,l I always have it by my bed and sift through it regularly. You can find that book here.

My hope is that if you are reading this, you have an interest in changing your life for the better! Check out these books and let me know what you think. I know they will have a big impact on your life as well.

Sending you lots of love and good vibes!


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